
Kara Illig

Registration is now open for both the Hellbender Aquatics summer session and the YPCC Summer Swim team. We are pleased to offer online payment and registration. The process is simple for both new and returning members. You'll get access to your own private account that will allow you easily sign up for swim meets, select parent jobs, view your child's swim time history, edit your contact information, and more. Hellbender Aquatics Team: Hellbender Aquatics is a USA Swim team comprised of developing and experienced youth swimmers. Practices are held at...

Kara Illig

Practices begin today: October 17, 2022. Please find your child's scheduled practice times on the Hellbender practice schedule. You may follow the Events Calendar for information on meets and other events. Registration remains open for older children interested in joining the team. Please contact Rory Coleman at 814-505-4673 for more information.

Kara Illig

There will be an informational Hellbender Swim Team meeting Monday, October 10th @ 7:30pm in the YPCC Community Room m.


We are proud to announce that our new website is officially live. YPCC Swim Team has partnered with TeamUnify to bring our business a brand new look! Check it out and let us know what you think.